Laptop Users

After training several thousand laptop users, it is apparent that 20 to 30 percent of laptop users have no idea on how to set-up their laptop, let alone use simple computer functions.

It's very sad that a large portion of society do not even understand how to set their power settings, or how to set their browser defaults. It's even more disturbing that a majority of laptop users do not even understand how copy and paste, or right-click their mouse to print and delete.

You would think that these laptop users who would fall into this category would be high school drop-outs. But what I have found out is that that many of these laptop users are self employed; make at least $3,000 a month, high school educated, and tend to lean on computer experts to set-up their computers.

By leaning on experts to setup their computer, these laptop users fail to learn the basics, we take for granted. Most of these people do not even take courses on computing, even CD training courses-do to their fear of not being able to execute and run a CD.

In addition, I have found out many these users will not educate themselves, unless they can learn how to use the computer in 30 minutes or less. They are unwilling to invest anymore time, do to their priority to make money over education.

I have created links on my website to train neophyte laptop users in the basics of setting up and using their laptop. These lessons are in text and pictures, simple, the entire lessons take less than 30 minutes, and visually easy to understand.

In addition, if these same laptop users are buying laptops, but did not know the basics of computing; what types of laptops were they buying and why? The more I investigated this matter; it became very clear these laptop users were buying hardware they were never going to use.

Many of these laptop users were buying laptops based on recommendations from their computer support. But these computer experts were making recommendations to these individuals based on what they thought was a good laptop to purchase-based on their needs, and not the neophyte laptop user.

Most of these laptop were buying laptops with 2 to 3 GB of RAM, and over 150 GB of hard drive space. A great deal more hardware than they would need in their lifetime. These laptop users for the most part, use email, the internet, a word processor, and use one or two sales presentation programs.

These laptop users only needed between 512 MB to 1 GB of RAM, and less than 100 GB of hard drive space. So they significantly over-spent on their laptop purchase, when they could have bought a refurbished laptop for a significantly less money, and received a laptop better suited for their needs, with a simpler operating system.

John Roth

If your interested in quality, low priced laptops, click here:

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